
A new generation of automatic loading and unloading system for pharmaceutical freeze-drying process propelled by a contact-free magnetic drive mechanism, developed for the first time in the world by Telstar, represents substantial progress in the field of lyophilisation processes under aseptic conditions.

Earlier loading/unloading technologies rely on the use of long pushing mechanisms which take up space and require bellows covers to maintain aseptic conditions. In an attempt to resolve this issue, belts, bands, chains and linkages have been utilised but these introduce cleaning challenges.

Recent systems featuring autonomous sliding devices have operated on ‘wireless’ principles but this requires the use of motors, electrical wiring and even batteries moving into the chamber, which introduces additional risks to sterility. The new Telstar system, Lyogistics Zero, eliminates all of these problems simply and elegantly by using a passive magnetic drive.

Configured to be integrated to industrial-scale single-side or pass-through freeze-dryers, the new automated device goes beyond the traditional concepts of push-in/push-out or push-in/pull-out by incorporating a magnetic slider device able to move the vials in both directions for loading and unloading.

The absence of mechanical links between drive and slider provides the system with an unprecedented precision and robustness capable of overcoming difficult situations inside a freeze dryer chamber. At the same time, the long pushers are eliminated and replaced with compact marshalling devices. The system also excels at handling vials in a ‘cold shelf’ loading mode.

Compatible with use in manufacturing processes for hazardous products, the equipment has been designed to be integrated within aseptic isolators requiring high level protection for the operator (OEL5), the product (ISO5) and the environment.

Telstar’s new development features a steam-sterilisable slider with no concealed parts which is propelled by contact-free magnetic drive mechanism. In addition, there is no need for actuated side guides inside the freeze drying chamber, thereby avoiding additional mechanisms or bellows. ZERO trade-offs, sterile open slider, non-contact magnetic driving mechanism, no bellows.

Telstar at CPhI

Telstar will be present at CPhI (Barcelona 2016, 4-6 October), with the latest developments in process equipment solutions in freeze-drying, sterilisation and containment, clean air and water and steam treatment technologies for the life sciences markets. Telstar at CPhI 2016: Booth 2D30.